Monday, 21 January 2008

Making Our Storyboard

As group we struggled at first to come up with a idea that we would be able to film and that wasnt too ambitious, therefore we decided to begin our storyboard which would help us develop our ideas on paper and be able to look at them to see how they would work when it came down to filming.

This helped us create an image in our minds of what we wanted to crete from our thriller opening title. so far we had a black screen that ha titles rolling across with our names and production name, this turned into a darkend room with a man sittng with a picture of a young boy. On the following monday the third member of our group returned; this being Emily. She helped to take our ideas further and point out if there was anything that needed changing as she was effectively looking at the ideas on the story board with a non biased pont of view.

We continued with our storyboard adding in the final ideas, The next storyboard shots were close up's of the man with the picture, a woman/man then enters the room and has a small amount of conversation with the man. The camera then pans over to see news paper cut outs and information of things to do with kid-nap and murder. so far this is as much as we have and we are hoping to complete them storyboard next lesson.

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