Rough cut
We firstly watched the thriller openings of the 5 other groups in our class to see the different techniques and ideas they had used. Whilst we watched the thrillers we gave and received feedback from the rest of the class about the weaknesses and good parts of our thriller opening.
This will help us to improve and edit our sequence so that we can make it better. Also its nice to see what people think and if they find our idea effective.
The feedback we received was very helpful and made us think about different approaches to finishing the opening sequence. Being our own project we knew the storyline and the overall plot. It was good to see how the other groups perceived our thriller opening and if they understood it. This helps us to see if we can make it easier to follow without giving too much away in the opening.
This is some of the comments we received:
-Nice titles
-The fuzzy focus on the picture is effective
-Camera shot variety was help to create different emotions in what is happening
-Action needed
-Costume looks a bit school boy like
-Good storyline
Labels: Ellis Brent, Emily Plant, Salvatore Merola